Class 6 Science New Syllabus

                                                                      Chapter: 1
                           The Wonderful World Of Science

1. Science is a way of thinking observing and doing things to understand the world we live in and to uncover the secrets of the universe

2. Science is everywhere

3. Science is all about joyful exploration 

4.We can find answers to our questions by using scientific methods.

5.Scientists are people who follow the scientific method to solve problems or to discover new things 

6. Curiosity is needed to explore the world to know how things work.
and to understand science

                                           Chapter: 2
                            Diversity in the living world

1. The large variety of plants and animals around us is called biodiversity

2. Take care of plants and animals.

3. The variety of plants and animals found in a particular region is called biodiversity of that region

4. Plants and Animals are dependent on each other

5. Man is dependent on plants and animals for diffrent things.

6.Grouping makes it easier to understand and study plants and animals on the basics of their similarities and diffrences
                                                      Types Of Plants
We can grow plants to diffrent types.

1. Trees: Plants which grow tall, have hard thick brown and woody stems and theur branches start higher up on the stem and away from the ground example: Mango tree, Coconut tree.

2. Shrubs- Plants which have hard, thin, brown woody stems and start branching very close to ground Example: Rose, Mehendi

3.Herbs- Plants which are small with soft and green stems Example: Tomato, Mint.

4. Climbers- Plants with weak stem need is support to climb and grow Example: Money Plant, Grape vine.

5. Creepers- Plants which creep alone to the ground Example: Pumpkin, Watermelon.


1. The thin lines on the leaves of the plants are called veins

2. The pattern of veins on the the leaf is called venation

3. A net like pattern of veins on both sides of thick middle is called reticulate venation

4.If the veins run parallel on the leaves then it is called parallel venation

Roots: 1. If the roots of the plant appear as a bunch of similar SIZED
thin roots arising from the base of the steam these roots are called fibrous roots

3. The plants which have reticulate venation have tap roots and plants which have fibrous roots

1. Seeds are split into two Parts each part is known as cotyledon

2.Plants that have seeds with two cotyledon are called dicotyledon
Example: Ground nut, Peas

3.Plants that have seeds with a single cotyledon are called monocotyledon Example: MAIZE, WHEAT

4.Generally plants which have reticulate venation have tap root and dicotyledon seeds

5.Plants which have parllel venation have fibrous root and monocotyledon seeds
Points To Remember:

1. "save silent valley movement" was initated by Janaki Ammal to preasure the biodiversity of district of kerla

2. Salim Ali is known as the bird man of India as he worked to preserve the high diversity of birds

3. The place where plants and animals live is called their habitat

4. The special features that enable the plants and animals to survive in a particular region are called adoptations

5. Based on the habitats plants and animals can be divided into terrestrial and aquatic.

6. The plants and animals that live on land are said to live in terrestrial habitat Example: Forest, desert, grasslands and mountains

7. The plants and animals that live in water are said to live in aquatic habitat Example: ocean, River , ponds , lakes ,seas.

8. Some animals that live in water as well as on land they are called amphibions Example: Frog

9."Project Tiger" was intiated in 1973 to protect  the decreasing population of Bengal Tiger 

10.The Cheetah brain troduction project initated in 2022 to restore population of cheetah

11. Sacreal groves are undistruled hatches of forest and they  are cummiunity protected treasure if biodiversity 

                               Question And Answers

1Question: Manu's mother maintains a kitchen garden. one day, she told Manu that radish is a kind of root. examine a radish and write what type of root it id. what type of venation would you observer in the leaves of radish plant ?

Answer: Radish has Tap root and reticular venation,

2 Question: Look at the Image Of Mountain goat an a goat found in the plains. point out the similarities and diffrences between them. what are the reasons for these differences ?

Answer: Similarities: between Mountain goat and got found in plains 

1. Both are 4 legged animals
2.Both give birth to the young ones
3.Both Eat Plants and their products (herbivores)

Differences: Mountain Goat: 
1. Has thick long fur to protect against cold
2.special hooves to climb high mountains 
3. more strong and muscular

Goat In Plains:
1.Has shorter fur to suit warm weather:
2.Hooves suitable to walk in plain areas
3.lean build to live in plains

Reason: Both Goats live in different climatic and gegrophical

3 Question: Group the following animals into two groups based on any feature other than discussed in the chapter cow, cockroach, pigion, bat, tortoise, whale fish, grasshopper, lizard.

Flying Animals: Cockroach, Pigeon, bat, grasshopper
Non Flying Animals: Crow tortoise, whale, fish, lizard

4 Question: As The Population Grows And People Want More Comfortable lives, Forests Our Being Cut Down To Meet Various Needs. How Can This Affect Our Surroundings ? How Do You Think We Can Adress  This Challange ??

Answer: Effect Of Deforestation: 
1. Many Animals Loose Their Shelter
2. Changes In Climate
3. Disturbance in Water Climate
4. Soil Erosion
5. Quality Of Air Decreases

Addressing The Challange:

1. Establishing note National parts and bird sanctueries to protect the biodiversity 
2. Should plant more Trees 
3. Forest areas should be protected 
4. Enforcing laws to present deforestation

5 Question: Raj argues with his Friend saying that "gudhal" (Hibiscus) plant is a shrub. What question can Sanjay ask for Clarification ?

Answer: 1) What is the nature of the stem
              2) Is the stem Woody 
              3) What is The Hight of the plants 

6 Question: What Other similarity do plants of group a have ?

Answer: Similarity of plants in group 'A' They have dicot seed, tap root and reticulate venation

7 Question: What other Similarity do plants of group 'B' Have ?

Answer: Similarity of plants in group 'B' They have Monocot seed, Fibrous root and parallel venation.

8 Question: Observe The labelled part of a duck in the picture given below. What differences do you observe in the feet of the duck compared to the other birds ? Which activity would the duck be able to perform using this part ? 

Duck Feet

 Pigeon Feet

Answer: Differences in the feet 
              a) Duck has webbed feet 
              b) Pigeon has normal feet with separate toes

Question: Activities The Duck Can Perform using Webbed Feet 

1. webbed feet help in swimming 
2. webbed feet provide stability and to move in the muddy water 

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